Furniture Care Tips: How to Keep Your Furniture Looking Good

Keeping your furniture looking nice and clean is an important part of maintaining a home. You can't just throw your couch in the washing machine (though we've seen people try), so you'll have to rely on some more traditional methods. This can be tricky, especially if you're not used to caring for valuable pieces of furniture or have never had them before. There are many different types of fabrics, wood finishes, and stains that all require different care instructions. But don't worry we've figured out how to keep our good-looking couches looking good even after years of use!

Wash your furniture with water and mild soap.

Wash your furniture with water and mild soap, or a mild detergent.

  • Use warm water to clean your furniture. Hot water can damage the finish on a piece of wood furniture, so use it sparingly if you must use hot water at all.

  • Avoid using vinegar when cleaning wood; it can damage the finish on your pieces and make them look dull or faded over time. Instead, try using distilled white vinegar for cleaning glass surfaces sucg as tv unit instead of plain old white vinegar from the pantry cabinet!

Protect your pieces by using a protective cover or slip cover.

There are many ways to protect your furniture. One of the most popular is using a protective cover or slipcover. This can be done with sheets and blankets, but it's best if you have something specifically designed for this purpose.

If you have young children or pets in the house, a good choice would be one that has extra padding on it to protect against stains or damage from claws or teeth (and when we say "young," we mean young adults too!). If those aren't concerns for you and your family members, then simply choose what looks best! You may also want to consider how easy it would be for someone else who lives with you---such as a roommate or significant other---to take off and put back on again without having any problems doing so; if not much effort is required then go ahead and get something stylish like velvet fabric instead of cotton canvas cloth since both materials look equally good under normal circumstances but only one type will last longer over time due to its higher quality construction techniques used during production processes."

Avoid too many cleaning products, especially those with ammonia.

You should avoid using too many cleaning products, especially those with ammonia. The fumes from these chemicals are toxic to humans and animals. You can also damage your furniture if you use too much of the wrong cleaning product.

Ammonia is a common ingredient in many household cleaners because it's an effective degreaser, but it can also be dangerous to breathe if you're exposed to it for long periods of time or at high concentrations. If you spill some on your furniture (or anywhere else), don't try to clean up after yourself--call an expert!

Don't spill something on your furniture that can't be washed off immediately.

  • Don't spill something on your furniture that can't be washed off immediately.

  • Don't use harsh chemicals or cleaners. They can damage the finish, and may even cause the wood to swell and crack. If you want to clean an area of your wood furniture, try using a damp cloth with mild soap and warm water instead of harsh chemicals or cleaners like Windex (which contains ammonia).

  • Don't use water on fabric furniture Dubai! Fabric upholstery is made from woven fibers that will soak up moisture like a sponge--and then stay wet for days until it dries out again in the sun (if it gets enough sun). This makes mold growth more likely over time; plus it's just uncomfortable! Instead of using water when cleaning fabric-upholstered items like couches and chairs with cushions: vacuum them regularly; vacuum under cushions too if they're removable; wipe down surfaces with dry paper towels often (once per week)

Get your furniture reupholstered if it's shabby.

If your sofa set is looking shabby, or if it's just not the right style for you anymore, reupholstery is a great option. It's an affordable way to give old pieces new life and make them look like they're brand new again.

It's also a good option if you want to change the color or material of your furniture in order to match other items in your home better (or just because). For example, maybe there are some pieces that are made from wood but all of them have been stained dark brown--it would be easier on everyone's eyes if those were painted white instead!

Reupholstery costs vary depending on where you go; most shops offer free estimates so that customers know exactly what they'll pay before any work begins.


If you're careful with your furniture, it can last for years. You should also consider getting it reupholstered if it's shabby or damaged.


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